The main objective of this type of letter is to inform the debtor that they owe money and are expected to pay it before a certain date. There are certain compliance-based rules that are to be followed while writing these letters, such as stating the purpose of the letter, the number and date of invoices that need to be paid, acceptable payment methods, and a call to action.
What are the consequences of not paying the debt?
You can include consequences in your letter, such as late fees and legal action. Make sure you only list actions that are actually going to be taken, though; adding empty threats will do more harm than good.
What is the tone of this letter?
The tone of your letter should be professional, yet assertive and direct. Don't use threatening language that may discourage your client from paying you; instead, stick to a courteous, professional tone that motivates them to resolve their debt.
What is the next step?
Once you have established your relationship with your clientele, it's time to start communicating with them in a more formal manner. For this, you need to write an assertive second collection letter. This letter is written as part of your demand letters and it remarks on the assumption that the clientele has not responded to the first collection letter.
This letter is also written with a balanced tone, as it is stricter than the first one, but does not lose a friendly and formal tone. It is a last resort letter and informs the debtor that if they do not pay their invoice on time, you will be forced to refer their account to a collections agency or involve a lawyer.